Our Team
Jeff Soveran
Fire Chief
About Me
#05 Jeff Soveran
Fire Chief
Since 1990
I enjoy spending time with friends and family, golfing, bowling and volunteering as the Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce. I’m the IT manager for Murlin Electronics, and have a couple of companies I run, a computer contracting company and Kindersley Social. Another huge part of my life is the fire department, being able to be a part time professional firefighter and balance a career and family has made my life very rewarding. Anybody who’s ever thought about becoming a firefighter or thought they would like to do this as part of their life, our family would like to give you the opportunity to be part of our team, you won’t regret it.
Mitch Hope
Deputy Chief
About Me
K116 Mitch Hope
Deputy Chief, Public Education Officer
Since 2003
I love to spend time with my close friends and family. Being outside is important to me, I enjoy camping, water sports and snowboarding.
I am a Journey Person Electrician, employed by Sasktel as a Facilities Tech.
My passion in the Fire Service is the people. I love interacting with the kids, schools and senior care homes. Teaching fire safety is a passion for me.
Being a member of a Fire Department is not like joining a club or having a second job, it’s a life style. I encourage everyone that likes to help people to apply and see what it’s about, we are always looking for new members.
Tyler Bairos
Deputy Chief
About Me
#78 Tyler Bairos
Captain, Social Club President
Since 2017
I enjoy spending time with my wife and 2 kids, fishing and playing sports. I am self- employed and do most of my work for Teine Energy. I have a true passion for firefighting, and I hope to be with the fire department for many years. I encourage others who have a willingness to be challenged to come and see if its right for them.
Cody Phinney
Assistant Chief
About Me
#88 Cody Phinney
Assistant Chief
Since 2020
I like to spend most of my time at home with my wife and two daughters, but also regularly enjoy going fishing or being out on my bike. I have spent the majority of my life living in the Kindersley area and have worked in both the agriculture and oilfield areas, and I am currently employed with G-Mac’s AgTeam. I am driven by a passion to be of service to my community, and enjoy being able to help make it safer for everyone. I would challenge anyone reading this to make yourselves available in your community, there are always great groups looking for great people to make a difference.
Adam Wake
About Me
#37 Adam Wake
Since 2011
When I get spare time I enjoy spending it with friends and family, travelling/camping, hiking, or at the gym trying to keep fit. I am currently employed by Canadian Energy Services.
I originally joined the fire department as a way to challenge myself and also give back to the community that I grew up in at the same time.
I would encourage others that have considered firefighting, or are looking for a new challenge, to give their local fire department a call and see if there might be a place for them. There are positions for all types of people.
Cody Welker
About Me
#66 Cody Welker
Deputy Chief
Since 2014
Outside of the fire department, I enjoy spending time with my family, going fishing and camping. I work full time for the Town of Kindersley in their Public Works division. I joined the fire department to help people and it has since become a passion and lifestyle for me. I encourage anyone interested in joining the department to join, there is always a job for everyone.
Nathan Ward
About Me
#80 Nathan Ward
Since 2017
Serving on the Dept is an absolute thrill and a rush like no other. I’m currently working for TKC Trucking with a great boss that lets me attend calls. I love spending time with my wife and kids, fishing during summer and spending time at the family farm. I encourage anyone to try out the fire fighter life style!
Josh Goetz
About Me
#85 Josh Goetz
Since 2019
In my free time I enjoy playing sports, hunting, fishing and wrenching on equipment/trucks/toys.
I am a self employed contract battery operator to Baytex Energy.
It’s an honour and privilege to be a part of the fire family and provide the best service we can!
I challenge anyone that has ever thought about joining to come by our house and try it out first hand!
Adrean Palm
About Me
#79 Adrean Palm
Since 2017
I am self- employed with my company Kade oilfield and work as a Contract Maintenance Operator and supervise new well construction for local oil and gas companies. When I’m not working I like to work on my other business projects, play ball and spend time with my kids. Joining the fire department has changed my life. Joining this family has allowed me to meet people from all over the world. If anyone is up for a challenge and would like to constantly improve on themselves, I suggest signing up.
Byron Ismond
About Me
#63 Byron Ismond
Since 2014
I am a community minded person, and love to be involved in various different groups within the community. I enjoy various sports such as Sr. Hockey, Sr. Baseball and Men’s club Golf. I live a family first lifestyle with my wife and 2 kids and we love all activities indoors and outdoors. Currently self employed and Contracted through Baytex energy LTD. I chose to be a volunteer firefighter to help those in need in our community and beyond. Being a part of the Kindersley fire brigade is something I take pride in and can’t compare to any sports team.
Josh Rissling
About Me
#32 Josh Rissling
Since 2022
Born and raised here in Kindersley, enjoy hiking, exploring and finding waterfalls. The gym quickly became a passion, lucky enough Busted Barbell took me as an employee! Always had respect for emergency workers and decided firefighting suited me best! One of my best choices was joining this department, it’s a second family.
Darien Lynch
About Me
#30 Darien Lynch
Since 2022
In my spare time I enjoy golfing, snowboarding, and going to the lake. I work for the Town of Kindersley at the WCEC. I have always had a passion for helping people in need and am looking forward to the opportunity to do more with the Kindersley Fire Department.