About Our Public Education

The Kindersley Fire Brigade participates in many different annual occasions that all concentrate on Public Safety. We believe that the best way to fight fires is to fight them with education before they start.

We often attend senior complexes, schools, trade shows and day cares to teach fire safety and prevention. We also annually hold an open house which brings the community to us.

Our goal is to teach the members of our community how to safely plan and/or design their own safety actions to be taken in the event of an emergency. We want to give them the tools to identify areas of concern and teach them how to improve the safety of their homes and businesses.

Deputy Chief Mitchel Hope
Protective Services
Kindersley Fire Brigade

Upcoming and Recent Events

Fire Safety at Westberry School

September 23, 2022|

Today we spent some time at Westberry School teaching fire safety. We were joined by Brett from Rosetown fire as well, the pub Ed trailer has 8 bookings over the next 2 months in [...]

Colouring Contest Winners!

February 4, 2022|

1st place, a medium Pizza from Panago and $100 Shop Kindersley Gift card goes to Brooklyn 2nd place a medium Pizza goes to Hector 3rd place also a medium Pizza goes to Payton We [...]

Regina Fire Service 911 Practice

January 13, 2022|

Do your kids know what to do in the event of an emergency? What if you are the one who needs help, can they call 911? Do they know your address?   This is [...]

What We Do

Read more about how we educate our community


The Members of Kindersley Fire spend a lot of time with our pre kindergarten and kindergarten aged kids. We believe that making them comfortable with Fire Fighters is one of the most important things we can teach them. We don’t want them to hide from us during an emergency, we want them to view us as a safe person and come to us for help.

Grade 1/2 kids often learn about escape plans, why we get low, and to get out and stay out. As we get into older children we start to teach about the importance of knowing there rural address, or street addresses. We teach them about all kinds of safety not just fire safety, and that they can call 911 for all sorts of emergencies.

Did You Know…

We have learned that children will often take what we teach them and remind their parents of the importance of fire safety. We have heard stories of kids making Mom or Dad test the smoke alarms or replace one that was missing.

Some of the our biggest fire safety helpers are the kids we teach, they take every thing they hear and re-educate their family.

Senior Homes

Senior homes require a special conversation, we often speak of over loaded electrical circuits, cooking safety and the importance of participating in their buildings fire drills. Most of the senior complex’s also use a home away system of their choice, these systems are incredibly useful to the fire service as it helps us know if someone may be missing or not during and emergency.

Open House

Open houses are a great way for us to interact with our community. We get to build on the trust with the kids, educate family’s and even recruit new members. We annually hold an open house during fire prevention week, often we have activities for the kids, food and fire truck rides or tours.

Party Program

The party program was designed to teach grade 10 students what Happens during a car accident. They get to see first hand everything from the Emergency Response to an incident, the incident unfold and the aftermath. The students learn from  medics, firefighters, police and funeral homes exactly what happens.

Safety Tips

  • Replace smoke and CO alarms every 10 years, replace batteries annually and test them monthly.

  • Clear snow and debris away from all building entrances and exits, make sure hall ways and emergency exits are not blocked or restricted.

  • Keep your furnace vents free from blockage, check them regularly

  • Post your address or land location for your kids, make sure they know how to enter your phone to make an emergency call. Introduce them to a safe Neighbor that they can count on in the event of an emergency.

  • Build a fire escape plan, pick a meeting place, and practice it often.

  • Sleep with bedroom doors closed, the minutes it can save you and your family may just save your life in a fire.

  • Teach stop, drop, and roll – be sure to cover your face with your hands to protect your airways.

  • In the event you get trapped during a fire, keep the windows closed, use a towel or clothing to block smoke from coming under door, turn on the light to indicate the room is occupied and remain by the window.


Home Fire Escape Plan

Coloring Page

Public Education Trailer

Usage Contract



Social Club


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